Rushville Resident George Holland to Seek Libertarian Nomination for Congress

Press Release

Rushville resident George Holland to seek Libertarian nomination for Congress.

George Holland, a USAF-NATO Veteran, has announced his Candidacy for The Libertarian Party's nomination for Indiana's Sixth U.S. Congressional District.

"The Economy, The War in Iraq and Saving Social Security are the main issues of my third party campaign. America is reaping the disastrous effects of our present two party system, (the war party) and the absence of checks and balances from the Democratic opposition. I am offering the voters a third party choice that believes in sound fiscal policy, balancing the annual budget by stopping deficits; ending deficit spending in wasteful government programs, ending tax cuts and subsidies for the wealthy and corporate elite and restoring integrity to the American dollar. This USAF-NATO veteran will not continue the betrayal of our troops in an endless occupation based on lies, deceit and greed. I will refuse to fund the occupation; thus saving tax dollars and American lives, so our troops may come home to their families!

Holland, a retiree, father of two sons and grandfather of six stated that " The tsunami economic effects of bipartisan support for Reaganomics, so called 'free trade' and 'free markets' have proven disastrous for America's once tariff based economy and blue and white collar families. Debt, debt and more debt and the loss of tens of millions of manufacturing jobs are destroying our great country. In less than twenty eight years, our national debt has gone from less than a trillion dollars to more than ten trillion dollars with no end in sight. The American families taxpayers 'bail out' of the financial markets is now projected to be as high as a trillion dollars. President Bush's tax cuts, endorsed by Rep. Pence, have continued to create enormous budget deficits but also an enormous concentration of wealth for the top 20% of income earners and an ever increasing tax debt burden for America's families . The need for Bush and Congress to pass an "economic stimulus" tax rebate; $ 10 million national debt, high unemployment, a 26 year low in consumer confidence, a huge increase in "poverty" and "severe poverty" level families and the fact that Americans are into 'negative savings' are absolute proof of the failure of the Bush-Pence "tax cuts" to create jobs and increase wealth and tax revenues. Bush-Pence Reaganomics should be termed, 'Scamonomics.'

In concluding, Holland stated, "The next big financial crises will come when Americans realize that President Bush and Congress have violated federal law in continuing to embezzle the 2.3 trillion dollars of the Social Security Surplus. This deceit and embezzlement is simply another illegal act of this administration and Congress."

Mr. Holland's political website may be found at http://www.GeorgeHollandForCongress,com
